
It’s a Virtual #VoteOutlander #PCA2015 Party and You’re Invited!

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We’re taking a page out of the Fillionaires’ playbook. (Fillionaires are Nathan Fillion fans and they have some great ideas. He’s known for Castle, Firefly and for playing Caleb, the evil priest on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Dinna fash if you don’t know him, you’ve got PCA voting to do, THEN you can go to Netflix, OK?)

In addition to our regular daily votes, let’s all make a point to set aside the hour we’d be watching Outlander this Saturday, November 22, and vote Outlander continuously. PLEASE be careful with this. You CAN be banned from voting PCA permanently if they decide you’re voting like a machine (robot/bot) and there is a rumor that your votes to date will be nullified. The goal should be 8-10 votes per minute, or 500-600 total for the hour.

Join us on Saturday, November 22, from 6-7 pm PST, 7-8 pm MST, 8-9 CST, 9-10 pm EST, 12 noon – 1 pm Sunday AEST and 3-4 pm Sunday NZDT for a virtual party. Times in Europe are 6-7 pm on Saturday in the UK, 7-8 pm CET and 8-9 pm EET.

We will be offering 5 11″x17″ Outlander posters as door prizes. The entry link will be posted at the conclusion of the event.


8 thoughts on “It’s a Virtual #VoteOutlander #PCA2015 Party and You’re Invited!

  1. and if we happen by chance to live anywhere in Europe, could the times have not been a little kinder or do we really not matter that much?

    1. This silly round planet complicates our lives. European fans have decided to go with 6-7 pm Saturday in the UK, 7-8 pm CET and 8-9 pm EET. Hope you’ll join us.

  2. I started early and am taking my time. I tend to open 25 tabs and then vote, close the tabs, then do it 25 more times again. I then take a break for about 20 minutes and start the process over. I have voted 300 times so far today. I just don’t want to get locked-out.

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